Utilize the following resources as a reference while writing your paper:
Banker, S. (2022, May 13). Supply Chain Management Is Broken. Can A Radical New Way Of Thinking Be The Solution? Forbes.
Delgado, M., & Mills, K. G. (2020). The supply chain economy: A new industry categorization for understanding innovation in services. Research Policy, 49(8), 104039.
Magableh, G. M. (2021). Supply Chains and the COVID‐19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Framework. European Management Review, 18(3).
Okorie, O., Subramoniam, R., Charnley, F., Patsavellas, J., Widdifield, D., & Salonitis, K. (2020). Manufacturing in the Time of COVID-19: An Assessment of Barriers and Enablers. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(3), 167–175.
Shih, W. C. (2020, September 1). Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World. Harvard Business Review.
DB FPX 8420 Assessment 3: Creating Supply Chain Management Instructional Plans and Assessments
After identifying your three key trends, write a 5–6-page analysis addressing the following points:
Additional Requirements
Ensure your assessment meets the following criteria:
Summarize three major trends in supply chain management with supporting examples. | Does not identify major trends in supply chain management. | Identifies the major trends. | Summarizes the major trends in supply chain management with supporting examples and references. | Summarizes the major trends in supply chain management with supporting examples and connects them to scholarly sources. |
Describe and analyze the issues each trend has experienced. | Does not describe or analyze the issues faced by the three trends. | Identifies the issues faced by the three trends. | Summarizes and analyzes the issues faced by the three trends. | Summarizes and analyzes the issues faced by the three trends using scholarly resources. |
Propose solutions and changes for each trend to avoid future issues and disruptions. | Does not propose solutions and changes for each trend to avoid future issues and disruptions. | Identifies solutions without detailing how to avoid future issues and disruptions. | Proposes solutions and changes for each trend to avoid future issues and disruptions. | Proposes solutions and changes for each trend to avoid future issues and disr
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